4 Learning is the sister organization to the High School for Recording Arts, designed to end learner disengagement through inspiring, joyful, creative, lifelong learning opportunities that empower and liberate young people and their communities.

We seek to support institutions of learning in the socially-just retention or reengagement of young people through the application of the recording arts and other creative endeavors.
Our goal is to get educators mad enough to want more, and smart enough to get it in a whole different way.

4 Learning supports schools in more efficiently, creatively, and equitably serving their youth based on lessons learned over two decades of success at the high school level.
Our School Remix process takes what works and leaves out what doesn't. We push educators to work with learners, parents, and the community to build an educational, interdisciplinary recording arts and creative content-driven program that works for them.

Our 4DEIB program uses the flexible and innovative space of a recording studio setup to guide educators through the complex and often emotional experience of diversity, equity, and inclusion training.
4 Learning exists to serve the needs of educators and their students so that no student goes without their needs being met. To remix the words of the late, great Biz Markie —
“We got what you need.”

The recording arts is more to us than just a studio with recording equipment. It is literally about recording the arts in the best sense of a quality liberal arts program.
We seek to honor, nurture and memorialize the voices, music, writing, designs, art and thinking of our young learners utilizing the best of modern technology, design equipment, design thinking and creative processes.
RecordEd Arts
Our exclusive Spotify podcast that covers the vast landscape of recording arts in education — check out all 6 episodes.